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Is it painful to apply eyelash extensions?

You should NEVER experience pain or discomfort when lash extensions are being applied. If you do, it’s a strong indication that the lash technician has not been well-trained and is probably not certified in lash extensions.  Yvette Lovely has received multiple lash extension certifications and you can rest assured you’ll never experience any pain during the application process.

Explain "Classic" vs "Volume" lash extensions

When lash extensions were first invented, they immediately became quite popular, making normal eyelashes appear longer, thicker, more full, thus creating a strikingly more-attractive appearance. The concept was that a single, longer, synthetic eyelash was attached to many single selected natural lashes. This is the original “Classic” lash extension design.

Over time, stylists and designers improved on the original. The “Volume” eyelash extensions apply a fan of several (or many) synthetic lashes to many single selected natural lashes, creating a very-dramatic, ultra-full appearance.  Yvette Lovely now specializes in applying only the Volume extensions, giving clients the ultra-thick, lush lashes that make such a dramatic difference.

Why do some lash extensions look unnatural?

In an effort to cut costs, some lash extension manufacturers have made a “block” of lash extensions that are adhered across your existing natural lashes. They are cheap to make and relatively quick and easy to apply. Often, they are sold through nail salons or other beauty specialty stores, to provide a very-inexpensive solution to lash extensions. The problem is, they can look quite unnatural, especially as your natural lashes fall out in their regular replacement cycle. Other lash manufacturers release untested designs. Non-certified lash technicians may not have the training to properly apply extensions. You can be certain Yvette Lovely never applies “block” lashes or other untested varieties, and that your lashes will always look full and natural.

Why do we need to schedule "touch ups"?

Your body’s normal growth and repair cycle causes a few of your natural eyelashes to fall off every day. As soon as one lash falls off, a new one starts growing in its place. If the lash that falls off also has an extension attached, the extension also falls off.  After a couple weeks, your lashes start to look a little spotty, thus a “touch up” appointment needs to be made to keep your lashes looking their best.